Results for 'Rosamaria Giacomelli Treviño'

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  1. Las tecnologías de información y su aplicabilidad en el proceso de reclutamiento y selección (Information Technologies and its applicability in the recruiting and selection process).Rosamaria Giacomelli Treviño - 2009 - Daena 4 (2):53-96.
  2. Ma dove sono le opere d'arte?: un glossario i-espirato dalla documenta 15.Marco Enrico Giacomelli - 2023 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
    L'arte è l'espressione intima--ma concepita per essere condivisa--della sensibilità di alcuni individui che avvertono l'urgenza di manifestare il proprio sentire rispetto al reale, o al non-reale. Gli artisti e, di conseguenza, le loro opere non possono non accogliere le sollecitazioni provenienti dall'attualità che li anima elaborando le complessità del mondo contemporaneo. È quindi necessario intrecciare come in una mappa neuronale lo studio delle opere d'arte con altre discipline, come antropologia, filosofia, biologia, perché una più ampia libertà di indagine consente di (...)
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    Paolo Stellino, Nietzsche and Dostoevsky. On the Verge of Nihilism.Alberto Giacomelli - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 64:220-221.
    È un incontro tardivo ma fatale, quello con l’Esprit souterrain di Dostoevskij da parte di Nietzsche nell’inverno nizzardo del 1886-87, assimilabile a quello giovanile del 1865 col Mondo come volontà e rappresentazione di Schopenhauer, o a quello del 1879 con Il rosso e il nero di Stendhal. La fascinazione immediata e istintiva di Nietzsche per Dostoevskij, rileva Stellino, è mossa da un’elettiva affinità psicologica che porta i due Autori a scandagliare le profondità oscure dell’animo umano...
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    Tipi umani e figure dell'esistenza: Goethe, Nietzsche e Simmel per una filosofia delle forme di vita.Alberto Giacomelli - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Ascendances et filiations foucaldiennes en Italie : l'opéraïsme en perspective.Marco Enrico Giacomelli - 2004 - Actuel Marx 36 (2):109-121.
    Marco Enrico Giacomelli, Some Anticipations and Legacies of Foucault in Italy: Operaismo in Perspective. We connect « Sociological » research conducted by Italian operaism in Fifties-Seventies and genealogy of Michel Foucault, analysing some themes concerning contemporary political period. In particular, the concept of city-factory, needs, and disciplinary society, stressing some possible development of research and criticizing some position issued in politology, especially in Italy.
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    Pittura, soggettività e storia. Forme estetiche e attraversamenti ermeneutici fra Cina ed Europa.Alberto Giacomelli - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 72:30-47.
    The introduction of the essay shows the impossibility of considering both China and Europe as univocal cultural identities schematically opposed. Starting from this, the main goal of the article is to put into comparison the specific artistic experience of Chinese and European painting. The historical moment taken into account includes some examples from European painting between the late Middle Ages and the Nineteenth Century as well as some from Chinese painting between the Ming and Qing era. From this comparison, the (...)
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    Art, Life and Form. On Nietzsche and the Aesthetics of Existence.Alberto Giacomelli - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
    The paper aims to investigate the peculiar relationship between art and life in the context of Nietzsche’s thought. We mean to show how Nietzschean aesthetics is not conceived as a theoretical and rational reflection that abstractly investigates the conditions of possibility of beauty and art: on the contrary, aesthetics is understood by Nietzsche as a practice aimed at shaping life in a beautiful form. The topic of the Lebens-form is considered as a common thread of an original exegesis of human (...)
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    Del tradurre ovvero il tormento e l'estasi.Roberto Giacomelli - 2007 - Doctor Virtualis 7:5-46.
    Una lungo viaggio fra esteti, scrittori e poeti, dotti riformatori, critici letterari, linguisti, traduttologi up to date.
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    La parola e la frase: corso di semantica.Roberto Giacomelli - 2007 - Roma: Il calamo. Edited by Edy Minguzzi.
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  10. Note di epigrafia e linguistica Italica. Iscrizione leponzia di una patera di Ameglia.R. Giacomelli - 1977 - Paideia 32:69-71.
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    Las clases sociales en América Latina. Los aportes de Ruy Mauro Marini.Ayelen Branca & Gabriela Giacomelli - 2022 - Astrolabio 29:288-316.
    En el presente artículo, indagamos en torno a la teoría de la dependencia de Ruy Mauro Marini y sus estudios de principios de los años 1970, a fin de retomar los aportes teóricos-metodológicos que proporciona frente al problema de la conceptualización de las clases sociales en América Latina. Recuperamos los estudios desarrollados entre 1973, año de publicación de La dialéctica de la dependencia, y 1979, cuando se divulgan los artículos “Plusvalía extraordinaria y acumulación de capital” y “El ciclo del capital (...)
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    María Izquierdo: arte puro y mexicanidad.Nancy Deffebach & Rosamaría Graziani - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (29):13-36.
    Este ensayo provee una visión general de la obra de la pintora mexicana María Izquierdo y ubica sus imágenes e ideas dentro de los debates sobre el rol del arte en la sociedad mexicana entre 1930 y 1950. En la primera década de su carrera ella estaba tangencialmente afiliada al grupo vanguardista literario conocido como los Contemporáneos, que abogaba por el arte puro. Después de 1939, cambió los temas y el estilo de su obra y enfatizó la mexicanidad, acercándose a (...)
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    Não é apenas sobre o funk ostentação: narrativas midiáticas e experiências do sensível em cotidianos de vulnerabilidade.Rosamaria Luiza De Melo Rocha, Simone Luci Pereira & Aline Borges Rezende - 2015 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 22 (2).
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  14. Recognition theory in humanitarian intervention.Thomas Lindemann & Alex Giacomelli - 2018 - In Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre (eds.), The ethics of war and peace revisited: moral challenges in an era of contested and fragmented sovereignty. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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    Respiratory Variability, Sighing, Anxiety, and Breathing Symptoms in Low- and High-Anxious Music Students Before and After Performing.Amélie J. A. A. Guyon, Rosamaria Cannavò, Regina K. Studer, Horst Hildebrandt, Brigitta Danuser, Elke Vlemincx & Patrick Gomez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Jacopo Aconcio. Trattato sulle fortificazioni. Edited by, Paola Giacomoni, with the collaboration of, Giovanni Maria Fara and Renato Giacomelli. Translated by, Omar Khalaf. v + 212 pp., illus., index. Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2011. €28. [REVIEW]Simon Pepper - 2014 - Isis 105 (2):426-426.
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    Du Sensible À L’Oeuvre : Esthétiques de Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel Alloa & Adnen Jdey (eds.) - 2012 - Bruxelles: La lettre volée.
    Plusieurs générations de chercheurs internationaux interrogent l’esthétique de Merleau-Ponty suivant deux axes : d’une part, le dialogue constant et passionné avec des arts (peinture, littérature, cinéma) et ses protagonistes (Cézanne, Proust, Claude Simon) qui est à l’origine de l’esthétique de Merleau-Ponty, et dans d’autre part, l’impact de la pensée merleau-pontienne sur les arts, depuis le Minimal Art américain en passant par le Body Art et la danse contemporaine. Tandis que certaines contributions s’intéressent, en s’appuyant sur les inédits, au rapport jusqu’ici (...)
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    Photography and Italy.Maria Antonella Pelizzari - 2010 - Reaktion Books.
    In this beautifully illustrated book Maria Antonella Pelizzari traces the history of photography in Italy from its beginnings to the present as she guides us through the history of Italy and its ancient sites and Renaissance landmarks. Pelizzari specifically considers the role of photography in the formation of Italian national identity during times of political struggle, such as the lead up to Unification in 1860, and later in the nationalist wars of Mussolini’s regime. While many Italians and foreigners— such as (...)
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    Spanish nursing under Franco: reinvention, modernization and repression (1956–1976).Margalida Miró, Denise Gastaldo, Sioban Nelson & Gloria Gallego - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (3):270-280.
    MIRÓ M, GASTALDO D, NELSON S and GALLEGO G. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 270–280 Spanish nursing under Franco: reinvention, modernization and repression (1956–1976)This article examines Spanish nursing during a critical 20‐year period (1956–76) when, under the dictatorial government of General Franco, nursing became the target of a modernization strategy. In the national standardized system of state‐run schools, the previously distinct nursing and midwifery programmes were merged into a new training programme which created the single professional denomination of ATS–Ayudante Técnico Sanitario (...)
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